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An era for happy citizens and globally respected Korea, Gyeongsangbuk-do to usher in a new Local Era
  • date2023-01-19 01:26:36
  • writer Admin [ Admin ☎ ]
An era for happy citizens and globally respected Korea, Gyeongsangbuk-do to usher in a new Local Era
- Gyeongsangbuk-do announces key directions to its policies for 2023! Unveils its idea of a New Korea -
- Making local and rural communities a great place to live is key to creating a happy Korea -
- Gyeongsangbuk-do presents five key revolutionary initiatives focused on creating jobs, culture and tourism, education, social care, and communities for alien residents -

At a press conference disclosing the achievements in 2022 and policy direction in 2023 for Gyeongsangbuk-do hosted inside the Gyeongsangbuk-do Provincial Office, Governor Lee Cheol-Woo said, To usher in a new era for our country, we need to shift our nation’s focus on Seoul and the metropolitan area and pay more attention to local and rural communities. By doing so, we can create a Korea where all of its people are happy and a country that is well-respected across the globe.

Governor Lee further highlighted the fact that Korea is essentially the only nation that succeeded in developing its economy and establishing a thriving democracy at the same time, which is why it has been a great example and a beacon of hope for other developing countries. Yet, he also pointed out that a national structure overly dependent on the metropolitan area built over the past five decades has pushed younger generations into competition that often feels overwhelming and a nation where its people are not happy as they could be.

The Governor added that only when opportunities are spread equally to local and rural communities outside the metropolitan area, and when various values can coexist in harmony rather than being at odds with one another, we can usher in an era where all of our nation’s citizens are happy, and make sure Korea can grow in reputation by sharing our success and experience with other nations worldwide.

To this end, the Provincial Government unveiled five key initiatives - ① Revolution in job creation; ② Revolution in culture and tourism; ③ Revolution in education; ④ Revolution in social care; and ⑤ Revolution in communities for alien residents - to kick-start a Local Era aimed at building a more diversified Korea. Meanwhile, Gyeongsangbuk-do also shared its plan to ensure the success of the new consolidated airport for the Daegu and Gyeongsangbuk-do region.

In regards to the revolution in job creation, the Provincial Government shared its strategy to transform the agricultural industry and extend the national belt for strategic industries (energy, semiconductor, battery, and bio industries) to local and rural areas, which could play a key role in bringing new jobs to Gyeongsangbuk-do.

In particular, this major overhaul for the agricultural industry includes transforming Sangju, where the smart farm innovation valley is, into a national agricultural technopolis, and making rural villages across the Province in danger of completely dissolving into innovative digital agricultural villages capable of attracting younger generations, which could ultimately become the foundation for a whole new Saemaul Undong.

Policies for a revolution in culture and tourism include fostering the digital content industry by turning Gyeongsangbuk-do into a Metaverse Capital, hosting the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit to globalize the Province, and establishing an East Coast International Tourism Belt by designating the Homigot Peninsula as a national marine botanical garden.

As for a revolution in education, the plan is to form an alliance between local governments and universities specializing in science and engineering, focus on developing talented individuals in strategic industries, and turn universities into cradles for venture corporations and startups that can serve as hubs for local innovation and growth.

Revolution in social care includes ideas for a Province that raises children together as a community, a Province that takes care of the psychological well-being of its people with the first measures against loneliness and isolation in the country, and plans to innovate public medical centers where patients can expect medical services on par with university hospitals even in rural areas.

Finally, in terms of a revolution in communities for alien residents, Gyeongsangbuk-do stressed the need for not only a serious approach to becoming a more multicultural society, but also opening doors for foreigners by introducing a new visa system where the Province has the power to grant visas for alien residents, and offering more opportunities to learn the Korean language and/or higher level education for alien residents, which could prove crucial in helping them settle down successfully in Korea.

The Governor said, Young people who studied in America and Europe in the 1960s and 1970s played an important role in creating todays Korea. If we can help young individuals from overseas study in Korea and contribute to the development of their home countries, Korea can become a much more respected country around the world.

Regarding the new consolidated airport for the Daegu and Gyeongsangbuk-do region, the Governor said, Gyeongsangbuk-do will change the negative narrative out there that there will be no significant demand for a local airport outside the metropolitan region. In doing so, he also revealed his idea of growing the new airport into a lead project that spearheads the new Local Era going forward.

Rounding out his address, the Governor said, Gyeongsangbuk-do is hoping to lead Korea onto a path of a truly advanced country through the new Local Era by leveraging the Provinces success in pioneering the nation’s growth in the past. He added, Daegu and Gyeongsangbuk-do plan on approaching its administration of the region based on the sincere belief that its success is well-deserved and an inevitable outcome.

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