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경상북도 게시판
Japanese government must immediately cease its absurd and baseless claims over Dokdo Island
  • date2023-07-31 11:02:59
  • writer Admin [ Admin ☎ ]
Japanese government must immediately cease its absurd and baseless claims over Dokdo Island
- Gyeongsangbuk-do strongly condemns Japans baseless claims over Dokdo Island, now for 19 consecutive years, in its Defense of Japan White Paper -

On July 28, Gyeongsangbuk-do issued an emergency statement vehemently condemning the baseless claims over Dokdo Island made by Japans Ministry of Defense (Minister: Yasukazu Hamada) in its 2023 Defense White Paper* filed to the Japanese Cabinet (State Council). In the Defense of Japan White Paper, Japan reiterates its argument that Dokdo Island, a sovereign territory of the Republic of Korea, belongs to Japan.

* The 2023 Defense of Japan White Paper states, Territorial issues in the north and Takeshima (Dokdo), which are Japan’s inherent territories, still remain unresolved.

Gyeongsangbuk-do issued a statement of condemnation on this day, saying, Gyeongsangbuk-do, together with all citizens of the Province, strongly condemns the blatant attempt by Japan to distort the righteous history of Dokdo Island, an inherent territory of the Republic of Korea, and to provoke a territorial conflict, which the Japanese government continues to repeat every year through its Defense of Japan White Paper. Gyeongsangbuk-do also declares, once again, to the global community that Dokdo Island is historically, geographically, and under international law a sovereign territory of the Republic of Korea.

Moreover, Gyeongsangbuk-do urged, The Japanese government must immediately cease its absurd and baseless claims over Dokdo Island and take the lead in improving Korea-Japan relations by reflecting on and apologizing for its misdeeds in the face of historical truths.

Statement of Condemnation

  • 1.Gyeongsangbuk-do strongly protests against Japans baseless claims pertaining to Dokdo Island, an inherent territory of the Republic of Korea, in the 2023 Defense of Japan White Paper published by the Japanese government, and demands the immediate withdrawal of such claims.
  • 2.Together with the citizens of Gyeongsangbuk-do, we strongly condemn the continued attempts at distorting history and provoking a territorial conflict against Dokdo Island, an inherent territory of the Republic of Korea, which the Japanese government repeats every year through its Defense of Japan White Paper.
  • 3.As the Provincial Governor entrusted with the governance of Dokdo, Ulleung-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do, I declare once again to the global community that Dokdo Island has historically been and continues to be the sovereign territory of Korea both geographically and under international law.
  • 4.The Japanese government must immediately cease its absurd and baseless claims over Dokdo Island, and take the lead in improving Korea-Japan relations by reflecting on its misdeeds in the face of historical truths.

July 28, 2023

Lee Cheol-Woo Governor, Gyeongsangbuk-do